I added black and white checkerboard pattern to the back of the flowers, another hallmark of the Mary Engelbreit style! Mini Floral Doodles I was always fascinated by it, especially the way Mary’s flowers are drawn. When I was a kid my mom had a lot of stationery with Mary Engelbreit art on it. Then just draw on branches and leaves, being mindful of making leaves on the same branch grow in the same direction. You can freehand it or use one of these cool tools to make a perfect circle any size. To make this floral wreath, first I drew a circle in pencil. FINALLY! Simple Bujo Flower Doodles Floral Wreath My friend Koko teaches how to draw anime & manga. Here are some of my favorite things to draw in my bullet journal! Bullet Journal Flower Doodles Rose

But I’d say that doodles tend to be done more casually, quickly, spur-of-the-moment and with less emphasis on perfection (most of the time!). The difference between bullet journal doodles and drawing or illustrations is… not much. I’ve always been a doodler, so I love adding cute doodles in my bullet journal.

Bullet journal doodles! Some people love ’em, some people shun them from their notebooks.